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Havahart 1045 Live Animal Raccoon Opossum Groundhog Cage Trap

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Product Name
Havahart 1045 Live Animal Raccoon Opossum Groundhog Cage Trap
Product Description

The Havahart Large 2-Door Animal Trap was designed by professionals with the humane treatment and the safety of animals at the forefront of the design. This sturdy and efficient trap features two spring-loaded doors to ensure safe quick and easy catches. This trap is best suited to trap large animals such as raccoons beavers bobcats small dogs small foxes groundhogs nutria opossums cats and armadillos. This trap is designed with rust-resistant galvanized steel to ensure this trap is built to last. The mesh openings are small to help prevent escapes and stolen bait. The spring-loaded doors allow animals to enter from either end and increase the chances of capturing more skittish animals who do not like to enter areas they cannot see completely through. This trap also features a sensitive trigger which ensures quick and secure captures. The Havahart Large 2-Door Animal Trap is easy to use regardless of your trapping experience and allows you to capture and release nuisance animals with ease. The internal edges of the trap are smoothed on the inside to prevent injury to animals for the duration of its capture until its release. Plus the solid door and handle guard protect the user during the transportation of the animal.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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