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Diabetes and Its Management (Paperback)

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Product Name
Diabetes and Its Management (Paperback)
Product Description

Highly Commended in the 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition (Endocrinology) Judges summary: Beautifully and clearly written to appeal to all levels of healthcare professional knowledge. A wealth of practical experience is freely donated to the reader in a friendly and accessible way. Each section is easily found and any member of the team could care for a patient with that particular problem to a high standard with this book in their hand. I would unhesitatingly recommend to all diabetes doctors - both senior and junior and every diabetes unit should have a copy. This new edition is excellent and should be considered for an award. Diabetes and its Management Sixth Edition continues to provide a practical clinical guide to the management of patients with diabetes. The author team has been expanded and now also includes a Nurse Practitioner specialising in diabetes to provide the nursing perspective. It is a concise manual that distils the essential recent developments into practical advice.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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