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The book aims to present the business ethics visions programs and experiences of member universities of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). Since the authors are leading professors of business ethics in different European countries the book can serve as a special guide to the European business ethics movement. The Community of European Management Schools was founded in 1988 as an association of top-level schools in management education throughout Europe. In 1998 member universities are as follows: Budapest University of Economic Sciences Copenhagen Business School Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam ESADE Barcelona HEC Paris London School of Economics Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Stockholm School of Economics Universitti Bocconi Milan Universitiit St. Gallen Universitiit zu Koln Universite catholique de Louvain and Wirtschajtsuniversitiit Wien. The University of Economics in Prague and the University of Economics in Warsaw are candidate members in CEMS. Over thirty international companies joined CEMS as corporate members. Sponsoring corporations includes ABB Athur Andersen Banca Commerciale Italiana Banque Bruxelles Lambert Banque Paribas Cariplo Central Hispano Coats Crafts Europe Coopers &- Lybrand Dresder Bank Dunaferr Elektrowatt Ericson Goldman Sachs Grouppo ENI Henkel Industries Henkel Industries Hi/ti Corporation F. Hoffman-la-Roche ISS J.P. Morgan KPMG DTG Norsk Hydro Petrojina Procter &- Gamble Schindler Management Schneider Shell International Siemens SmithKline Beecham Statoil Swiss Bank Corporation Tetra Laval Trygg Hansa Winterthur and Zurich Insurance.
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