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Positive Bodies: Loving the Skin You re In (Paperback)

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Product Name
Positive Bodies: Loving the Skin You re In (Paperback)
Product Description

Research tell us that 60% of women and 35% of men are dissatisfied with some part of their bodies. For youth aged 14 to 25 years old body image is their number one concern - more important than family friends and school. A negative body image can lead to anxiety and depression affecting our self-esteem gender identity mood level of sexual fulfilment and eating patterns. Positive Bodies is designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and thinking to foster a positive body image in yourself and others. It is based on tried and tested CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) principles and features real-life examples of those who have struggled but won their war against body image dissatisfaction and self-hatred. Appropriate for men and women of any age including adolescents and children Positive Bodies can also assist parents teachers and counsellors wanting to help others with body dissatisfaction issues. Helpful worksheets with activities are included along with information on the warning signs of eating disorders; tackling binge eating and fussy eaters; managing stress anxiety and depression; being a positive role model; boosting self-esteem; and where to go to get additional help. If you ve already started your journey towards a positive body image practising the techniques and strategies in Positive Bodies will enhance the work you re already doing.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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