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Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings (Paperback)

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Product Name
Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings (Paperback)
Product Description

As an emerging domain of law the field of hate crimes is changing rapidly. Staying current with the wide-ranging social and legal aspects of hate crimes is essential to understanding policy implications and the growing societal debate. Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings is the first comprehensive reader to offer an up-to-date multidisciplinary examination of hate crimes. Editors Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld and Diana R. Grant include articles from a variety of disciplines including criminal justice criminology sociology psychology and political science. With introductions discussion questions and resource lists this unique anthology combines the most current research on hate crimes with accessible articles from scholarly and legal journals in a single easily understood format. Incorporating a variety of perspectives Crimes of Hate: Selected Readings examines Policy issues and legislation Offenders and organized hate groups Victims and the impact of hate crimes on individuals and groups Hate crime prevention efforts International issues of hate crime Developed as a companion to Gerstenfeld′s Hate Crimes: Causes Controls and Controversies this innovative reader will provoke thought and discussion in undergraduate and graduate students in criminology criminal justice and sociology courses.

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March 4, 2025

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