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Text Speech and Language Technology: Genres on the Web: Computational Models and Empirical Studies (Paperback)

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Text Speech and Language Technology: Genres on the Web: Computational Models and Empirical Studies (Paperback)
Product Description

The volume Genres on the Web has been designed for a wide audience from the expert to the novice. It is a required book for scholars researchers and students who want to become acquainted with the latest theoretical empirical and computational advances in the expanding field of web genre research. The study of web genre is an overarching and interdisciplinary novel area of research that spans from corpus linguistics computational linguistics NLP and text-technology to web mining webometrics social network analysis and information studies. This book gives readers a thorough grounding in the latest research on web genres and emerging document types. The book covers a wide range of web-genre focused subjects such as: - The identification of the sources of web genres - Automatic web genre identification - The presentation of structure-oriented models - Empirical case studies One of the driving forces behind genre research is the idea ofa genre-sensitive information system which incorporates genre cues complementing the current keyword-based search and retrieval applications.

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March 4, 2025

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