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Shapeshifting: Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation (Paperback)

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Product Name
Shapeshifting: Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation (Paperback)
Product Description

After Hit Man The New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man documents John Perkins extraordinary career as a globe-trotting economic hit man. Perkins insider s view leads him to crisis of conscience--to the realization that he must devote himself to work which will foster a world-wide awareness of the sanctity of indigenous peoples their cultures and their environments. Perkins books demonstrate how the age-old shamanic techniques of some of the world s most primitive peoples have sparked a revolution in modern concepts about healing the subconscious and the powers each of us has to alter individual and communal reality. Many indigenous cultures practice shapeshifting. Native American hunters take on the spirit of their prey to ensure a successful hunt; Asian medicine men ingest a sickness to heal the one afflicted; Amazon warriors become jaguars to soundlessly travel the jungle. Those who shapeshift understand that all of life is energy and that by focusing your intent you can change energetic patterns rendering a new form. Shapeshifting can occur on three levels: cellular--transforming from human to plant or animal; personal--becoming a new self or leaving an addiction behind; and institutional--creating a new business or cultural identity. Since 1968 master shamans in Africa Asia the Middle East and the Americas have been training John Perkins to teach the industrial world about the powerful techniques involved in shapeshifting. His groundbreaking book takes you to deserts and jungles mountains and oceans medical research centers and corporate board rooms to learn the step-by-step methods of this practice that integrates ancient and modern techniques to bring about profound healing.

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March 4, 2025

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