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The Cosmic Tribe Tarot (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Cosmic Tribe Tarot (Paperback)
Product Description

- The first tarot deck for the neotribal technopagan from an avant-garde computer revolutionary - The most revolutionary tarot deck to appear since Aleister Crowley s Thoth Tarot - Synthesizes classic archetypal imagery with state-of-the-art electronic wizardry to create a deck that maps the modern psyche like never before The Cosmic Tribe Tarot is the most revolutionary tarot deck to appear since Aleister Crowley s Thoth Tarot. Synthesizing classic archetypal imagery with state-of-the-art electronic wizardry Stevee Postman has created a deck that maps the modern psyche like no other before. Drawing equally from nature myth psychedelics and contemporary neopagan culture The Cosmic Tribe Tarot speaks to the fears hopes and desires of a new generation. Without abandoning the traditional structure that has made the tarot a successful divination tool for centuries Postman charges his deck with an erotic mystical energy showing that the modern tribal movement is at heart a spiritual one. Never before has a tarot so boldly reconnected the contemporary soul to the eternal cosmos.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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