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How Australian Are You? (Paperback)

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How Australian Are You? (Paperback)
Product Description

This is a humorous manuscript on the subject of Australian slangs cultural diversity and societal make-up. It is an attempt to capture what makes us unique as a nation. The work is well-researched properly referenced engaging and humorous. It is also somewhat autobiographical chronicling the author s journey to become an Aussie. This work is unique in that it presents the material as follows: 1. Four sets of 50 multiple choice questions (200 in total) testing knowledge of a slang word Australianism or basic knowledge of the country. The material is new and amusing. The replies are cleverly chosen to frustrate guess-work. 2. A scoring sheet. 3. A section where the questions are individually dissected. The correct answer given and the Australianism upon which it was based explained. 4. A glossary that is specific to this work and thus not overly laborious.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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