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GE Lighting 85382 Energy Smart Spiral CFL 10-Watt (40-watt replacement) 580-Lumen T2 Spiral Light Bulb with Medium Base 1-Pack

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Product Name
GE Lighting 85382 Energy Smart Spiral CFL 10-Watt (40-watt replacement) 580-Lumen T2 Spiral Light Bulb with Medium Base 1-Pack
Product Description

GE 85382 Energy Smart 10 Watt T2 Spiral CFL 40-WattReplacement 85382 - FLE10HT2/2/SW/CD GE Soft White Energy Smart Spiral T2 -Facilities; Retail Display; Hospitality; Office; Restaurant regular everydaylight Bulb T2 Base: Medium Screw (E26) Wattage: 10 Initial Lumens 580 ColorTemperature 2700 K Color Rendering Index (CRI) 82 Rated Life: 12000 hours Product Code: 85382 Description: FLE10HT2/2/SW/CD UPC: ENERGYSTAR Qualified Yes. The Primary Application: Standard; Facilities; RetailDisplay; Hospitality; Office; Restaurant . GE Compact Fluorescent lamps (CFL)offer many advantages that include cost savings extra long life lightoutput and color rendering. With this CFL you ll get dramatic energy costsavings up to 77 percent vs. incandescent lamps of comparable light output.The extra long life most last 8 to 10 times longer and some last up to 20times longer than standard incandescent lamps. High light output comparableto and in many cases exceeding incandescent lamps replaced. Excellent colorrendering rare earth tri-phosphor provides such high-quality color you won tbelieve it s fluorescent. Many lamps use amalgam technology which providesstable lumen performance when operated in any position over a wider range ofambient temperatures. For product questions regarding GE Lighting products please call GE Hotline Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.EST Follow the recording prompts or â€stay on the line’ to speak directly to acustomer service rep. From the Manufacturer GE 85382 Energy Smart 10 Watt T2Spiral CFL 40-Watt Replacement 85382 - FLE10HT2/2/SW/CD GE Soft White EnergySmart Spiral T2 - Facilities; Retail Display; Hospitality; Office; Restaurantregular everyday light Bulb T2 Base: Medium Screw (E26) Wattage: 10 InitialLumens 580 Color Temperature 2700 K Color Rendering Index (CRI) 82 RatedLife: 12000 hours Product Code: 85382 Description: FLE10HT2/2/SW/CD UPC: ENERGY STAR Qualified Yes. The Primary Application: Standard;Facilities; Retail Display; Hospitality; Office; Restaurant . GE CompactFluorescent lamps (CFL) offer many advantages that include cost savings extralong life light output and color rendering. With this CFL you ll getdramatic energy cost savings up to 77 percent vs. incandescent lamps ofcomparable light output. The extra long life most last 8 to 10 times longer and some last up to 20 times longer than standard incandescent lamps. Highlight output comparable to and in many cases exceeding incandescent lampsreplaced. Excellent color rendering rare earth tri-phosphor provides suchhigh-quality color you won t believe it s fluorescent. Many lamps use amalgamtechnology which provides stable lumen performance when operated in anyposition over a wider range of ambient temperatures.

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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