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Theory of Quantum Computation Communication and Cryptography: 7th Conference Tqc 2012 Tokyo Japan May 17-19 2012 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Theory of Quantum Computation Communication and Cryptography: 7th Conference Tqc 2012 Tokyo Japan May 17-19 2012 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)
Product Description

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 7th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation Communication and Cryptography TQC 2012 held in Tokyo Japan in May 2012. The 12 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book. They contain original research on the rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of quantum computation communication and cryptography. Topics addressed are such as quantum algorithms quantum computation models quantum complexity theory simulation of quantum systems quantum programming languages quantum cryptography quantum communication quantum estimation quantum measurement quantum tomography completely positive maps decoherence quantum noise quantum coding theory fault-tolerant quantum computing entanglement theory and quantum teleportation.

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