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Hazelden Meditations In God s Care: Daily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery (Paperback)

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Product Name
Hazelden Meditations In God s Care: Daily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery (Paperback)
Product Description

True lasting recovery requires us to create and maintain inner peace. For many it springs from a practice of mindfulness for others from the rituals of religion. But not everyone finds a connection with a Higher Power in those ways. Through daily reflection and meditation In God s Care gifts a healing inspiration to our spirit. Steadily we find spiritual growth. Recovery is an act of faith. An addict is promised healing and self-development through the rigors of counseling treatment therapy and a Twelve Step program. With motivational guidance addictive behaviors are abandoned coping skills are learned and sobriety is lasting. The cycle of addiction is broken by trusting in the process. This is the power of faith: a new way of life. Co-author Karen Casey who wrote the bestselling recovery classic Each Day a New Beginning harnesses this power to transform life s struggles into a devotional outlook. These heartfelt meditations encourage the optimism needed for continuous change. It doesn t matter what we call the goodness we wish to be and see--God or otherwise. It only matters that we hold it in our hearts and affairs as we create a new life. That is the truest definition of a Higher Power.

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March 4, 2025

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