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Natural Diet and Health Program for Weig The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program: A Natural Diet and Health Program for Weight Control Disease Prevention and (Paperback)

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Natural Diet and Health Program for Weig The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program: A Natural Diet and Health Program for Weight Control Disease Prevention and (Paperback)
Product Description

For more than forty years Ann Wigmore founder of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute and internationally acclaimed holistic health educator taught that what we eat profoundly affects our health. She was among the first to note that our modern diet of convenience food was the prime cause of illness and obesity and she offered a positive alternative. Developed over a twenty-year period at the Hippocrates Health Institute one of the nation s first and finest holistic health centers the Hippocrates Diet allows the body to correct its problems naturally and at its own pace. Through a diet of fresh fruits vegetables grains nuts and super nutritious foods such as sprouts and wheatgrass juice all of which are prepared without cooking the body is able to restore its internal balance--and its capacity to maintain a healthy weight fight disease and heal itself. The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program is an indispensible guide to healthy living filled with easy-to-follow recipes and money-saving health tips. It is never easy for anyone to break bad eating habits but when you are ready to make the decision to lose weight regain youthful energy or prevent illness The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program can be your guide.

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March 4, 2025

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