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More Math Games & Activities from Around the World (Paperback)

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More Math Games & Activities from Around the World (Paperback)
Product Description

Math history art and world cultures come together in this delightful book for kids even for those who find traditional math lessons boring. More than 70 games puzzles and projects encourage kids to hone their math skills as they calculate measure and solve problems. The games span the globe and many have been played for thousands of years such as three-in-a-row games like Achi from Ghana or the forbidden game of Jirig from Mongolia. Also included are imaginative board games like Lambs and Tigers from India and the Little Goat Game from Sudan or bead and string puzzles from China and Möbius strip puzzles from Germany. Through compelling math play children will gain confidence and have fun as they learn about the different ways people around the world measure count and use patterns and symmetry in their everyday lives.

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March 4, 2025

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