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Lick the Sugar Habit : Sugar Addiction Upsets Your Whole Body Chemistry (Paperback)

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Product Name
Lick the Sugar Habit : Sugar Addiction Upsets Your Whole Body Chemistry (Paperback)
Product Description

Lick the Sugar Habit is a guide for those struggling with sugar addiction. In the U.S., the average person eats about 150 pounds of sugar each year, which can be harmful to health. High sugar consumption disrupts the body's chemistry and affects the endocrine and immune systems, leading to serious health issues. These issues include diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more. Dr. Nancy Appleton, who dealt with sugar addiction since childhood, transformed her health by changing her diet. In this book, she shares her journey and offers practical advice to help readers break free from sugar dependency.

The book features a questionnaire to help readers identify their relationship with sugar and discover any food allergies linked to sugar. It also provides strategies to reduce sugar-related problems like heartburn and indigestion without relying on medication. Dr. Appleton outlines three detailed meal plans that guide readers toward a low-sugar lifestyle. Alongside practical tips, the book includes delicious recipes for nutritious meals, such as Hot Asparagus Soup, Persian Lamb and Bean Stew, and Savory Pepper Pilaf, making healthy eating enjoyable and accessible. Readers will learn to control their sugar cravings and embrace a healthier way to eat with ease.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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