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RD Consumer Reference Series: New fix-it-yourself manual (Hardcover)

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Product Name
RD Consumer Reference Series: New fix-it-yourself manual (Hardcover)
Product Description

The indispensable reference guide for every homeowner guaranteed to help you maintain and improve your home while saving time and money. Covering everything from replacing faulty faucets and showerheads to curing the quirks of an air conditioner this book provides step-by-step illustrated instructions plus a comprehensive chapter on tools. The indispensable reference guide for every homeowner guaranteed to help you maintain and improve your home while saving time and money. Covering everything from replacing faulty faucets and showerheads to curing the quirks of an air conditioner this book provides step-by-step illustrated instructions plus a comprehensive chapter on tools. Includes more than 3 000 instructional photographs illustrations charts and diagrams. Let New Fix-It-Yourself Manual guide you through: * Fixing a broken dryer by testing the thermostat thermal fuse heating coils etc. * Troubleshooting electric and gas range problems and fixing them * Reupholstering and reweaving chair seats * Stocking up on the proper tools and supplies for fixing electronics * Installing testing and repairing speakers including maintaining proper polarity * Repairing broken handbags and suitcases properly and professionally * Fixing small engines in yard and workshop tools * Restoring broken air conditioners heaters and dehumidifiers * Safely disassembling testing and repairing a chain saw REVIEW AUTHORBIO

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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