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Egypt in Flux: Essays on an Unfinished Revolution (Paperback)

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Product Name
Egypt in Flux: Essays on an Unfinished Revolution (Paperback)
Product Description

No chapter in Egypt s contemporary history has been more turbulent and unpredictable than the past three years. In a very short period of time the Arab world s most populous country has seen a transition from rule by an iron-fisted dictatorship to a populist uprising to military omnipotence to Islamist electoral victory to constitutional turmoil to societal polarization. Egypt s iconic revolution has been neither victorious nor defeated. Egypt in Flux is a collection of essays on the political social economic and cultural dimensions of change in the country s ongoing revolutionary current. While written over a span of several years the essays are timeless in the historical context they provide and their ability to chart the country s trajectory in the period ahead. From the conditions that precipitated the uprising and the eruption of national dissent to the derailing of the revolution the author reflects on the pressing topics of the day while being mindful of the counterrevolutionary movements and the continuation of the unending uprising. From discussions about the illusion of fair and free elections social inequities and labor disparities to examinations of religion sports literature and sexuality the essays in this valuable and intellectually stimulating volume chart both the broad lines and the nuances of an unfinished revolution.

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March 4, 2025

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