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Laughter Medicine: Laughter the Best Medicine : More than 600 Jokes Gags & Laugh Lines For All Occasions (Paperback)

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Laughter Medicine: Laughter the Best Medicine : More than 600 Jokes Gags & Laugh Lines For All Occasions (Paperback)
Product Description

Laughter the Best Medicine is a collection of Reader s Digest magazine s funniest jokes quotes stories cartoons anecdotes and laugh-out-loud captions. A little chuckle every day will keep the doctor away. This hilarious collection offers up some of the funniest moments that get us through our day in the form of jokes gags and cartoons that will have readers laughing out loud. Editors have mined the Reader s Digest archives to bring readers Laughter the Best Medicine All-Time Faves a collection of the most hilarious jokes and anecdotes we ve come across over the years. As you turn the pages of our newest collection you ll realize once again that laughter is always the best medicine. --A woman accompanied her husband when he went for his annual checkup. While the patient was getting dressed the doctor came in and said to the wife I don t like the way he looks. Neither do I she said but he s handy around the house. --Merritt K. Freeman in Y.B. News --Anthropologists have discovered a 50-million-year-old human skull with three perfectly preserved teeth intact. They re not sure but they think it may be the remains of the very first hockey player.--Jay Leno -- What s your handicap these days? one golfer asked another. I m a scratch golfer...I write down all my good scores and scratch out all my bad ones. --Charles Shulz United Features Syndicate

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March 4, 2025

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