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The Scarecrow Filmmakers Series: Rungs on a Ladder : Hammer Films Seen Through a Soft Gauze (Hardcover)

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The Scarecrow Filmmakers Series: Rungs on a Ladder : Hammer Films Seen Through a Soft Gauze (Hardcover)
Product Description

Christopher Neame son of director Ronald started his film career in the early 1960s with Hammer Films. This account is told from the perspective of an amateur who observes through a soft gauze many characters both in front of and behind the camera including such producers of classic tales of Gothic horror as Christopher Lee Peter Cushing Anthony Hinds Michael Carreras and Anthony Nelson Keys director Terrence Fisher and screenwriter/producer Jimmy Sangster. Other stars less obviously connected to the company are also met along the way.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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