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Crackpot: The Obsessions of (Paperback)

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Product Name
Crackpot: The Obsessions of (Paperback)
Product Description

An outrageous collection from the uniquely legendary John Waters updated with new material--including Waters s 2002 New York Times article Finally Footlights on the Fat Girls. Crackpot originally released in 1986 is John Waters s brilliantly entertaining litany of odd and fascinating people places and things. From Baltimore to Los Angeles from William Castle to Pia Zadora from the National Enquirer to Ronald Reagan s colon Waters explores the depths of our culture. And he dispenses useful advice along the way: how not to make a movie how to become famous (read: infamous) and of course how to most effectively shock and make our nation s public laugh at the same time. Loaded with bonus features this special edition is guaranteed to leave you totally mental.

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March 4, 2025

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