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Horizon Organic Shelf-Stable 1% Low Fat Milk Boxes Chocolate 8 fl oz 6 Pack

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Product Name
Horizon Organic Shelf-Stable 1% Low Fat Milk Boxes Chocolate 8 fl oz 6 Pack
Product Description

Take the organic goodness of Horizon milk on-the-go with Horizon Organic UHT 1% lowfat Chocolate Milk Boxes. Great as a lunchbox stuffer or snack these single-serve milk boxes offer a wholesome alternative to juice boxes. Each milk box provides many nutrients including vitamin A vitamin D and 8 grams of protein. And thanks to their special packaging these shelf-stable milk boxes lock in delicious taste without refrigeration. More than 20 years ago we became the first company to supply organic milk nationwide—and we’ve remained committed to the organic movement ever since. Our USDA Certified Organic products are made with non-GMO ingredients from cows that are given no antibiotics no persistent pesticides and no added hormones.* We strive to do good by our cows too: they spend much of their time out in the pasture where they feel most at home and graze on a diet that includes organic grass. It’s all part of our commitment to making better choices for ourselves our cows and our planet. *No significant difference has been shown between milk from rBST-treated & non rBST-treated cows. Horizon Organic Shelf-Stable 1% Low Fat Milk Boxes Chocolate 8 fl oz 6 Pack:

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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