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Frost King A62/36GAH Door Sweep 36 in L 2 in W Aluminum Flange

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Product Name
Frost King A62/36GAH Door Sweep 36 in L 2 in W Aluminum Flange
Product Description

Frost King door sweep heavy duty 2 in width 36 in length fasteners screws aluminum Gold Frost King provides three kinds of weather sealing products to keep your doors draft free your home more comfortable and your energy bills under control Door sweeps also called door bottoms are the quickest and easiest to install Sweeps are attached to the bottom of entry doors or doors to Unheated areas There are many types to fit different situations and budgets Remember even a small gap under your door or around your door frame can let in as much frigid January air as an open window or a large hole punched through your wall

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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