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EPIC Rabbit Scram All Natural Granular Direct Barrier Repellent 25 Pound Bucket

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Product Name
EPIC Rabbit Scram All Natural Granular Direct Barrier Repellent 25 Pound Bucket
Product Description

Keep the rabbits out of your yard without bringing harsh chemicals into it. From your beautiful gardens to manicured gardens and shrubs you can trust EPIC Rabbit Scram All-Natural Repellent to ward off critters. Made from a blend of selected organic components this animal repellent is as effective as it is safe to use. The smell of the granular repellent is not offensive to humans but is designed to make rabbits sense danger and even death. They ll be sure to stay away from your presumably dangerous yard. With this useful animal barrier you ll no longer have to deal with pesky rabbits gnawing on your flowers herbs and grass. The repellent works consistently when applied every 30 to 45 days. Simply at this repellent at the base of plants that you would like to be protected against rabbits. Take control of your yard with the 25-pound bucket of biodegradable and environmentally safe EPIC Rabbit Scram All-Natural Repellent.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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