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Bonide Mouse Magic Granular Mouse Repellent Scent Packs (12-Pack) 866

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Product Name
Bonide Mouse Magic Granular Mouse Repellent Scent Packs (12-Pack) 866
Product Description

Mouse Magic Scent packs from Bonide effectively repel mice and other rodents from your home. Place these pouches around your home garage garden barn shed patio deck attic cellar storage space or other areas where mice may be a problem. Uses a special formula of natural ingredients to deter mice by triggering escape and avoidance behavior in rodents. Peppermint and spearmint essential oils are safe to use around people and pets when used as directed. This product is biodegradable and will not harm lawns gardens or flowerbeds. Mouse Magic Scent Packs work as a natural mouse deterrent both indoors and outdoors. Scent pouches can easily be placed where rodent control is needed. null - This item is banned in the following states: IN NM DC

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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