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Edge Eyewear Dakura-Blk/Pol AP Blu Mir TSMAP218

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Product Name
Edge Eyewear Dakura-Blk/Pol AP Blu Mir TSMAP218
Product Description

Dakura Polarized combines sleek styling with hi-tech function. Polarized lenses remove glare from above and reflected light from below. From land sea or air wherever you go Dakura Polarized is there. Get a pair today and see the difference for yourself; the difference is clear. Polarized Aqua Precision Blue lenses maximizes clarity and contrast. The technology in this lens was originally designed by NASA as a reflective coating for satellite portholes and also offers the added feature of a polarized lens. Provide 99.9% Protection from UVA UVB and UVC Rays. ANSI Z87.1+ 2010 Compliant.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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