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Helium-3 Novel: Crescent (Paperback)

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Product Name
Helium-3 Novel: Crescent (Paperback)
Product Description

She was born to kill born to die. Crescent is a crowhopper--a genetically modified mercenary programmed for ruthless warfare. When she s taken prisoner by Crater Trueblood instead of being killed in battle she thinks it s a disaster. Crater is weary of war. He s a miner not a soldier. He d rather be mining Helium-3 than battling the infernal crowhoppers. But after he captures Crescent and brings her to Moontown he s surprised how much he enjoys her company. When she s falsely accused of murder he becomes an outlaw to help her escape. The unlikely pair escapes into the big suck and wind up trekking with a caravan of mining pioneers toward a lunar ghost town called Endless Dust. To survive they must do more than navigate the beautiful desolate moonscape and battle a persistent band of crowhoppers sent to capture or kill them. They must decide what--and who--is truly worth fighting for. Expertly blending space opera and hard sci-fi romance and even mystery . . . this is fast-paced packed with intriguing ideas . . . --Peter Gutierrez Booklist Review Classic Golden Age science fiction high-adventure. It brought back memories of reading Asimov . . . that same sense of wonder. I absolutely loved it. --Michael Scott New York Times Best-selling Author The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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