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Everest 1 x 16 1000 lbs Working Load Limit Heavy Duty Tie-Down Strap with DJ-Hooks and D-Ring

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Product Name
Everest 1 x 16 1000 lbs Working Load Limit Heavy Duty Tie-Down Strap with DJ-Hooks and D-Ring
Product Description

The Everest 1 in. x 16 ft. ratchet tie down strap is designed for everyday use. This professional duty strap can be used for moving appliances and garden equipment motorcycle tie down and trailer straps. The 16 ft. of patented extra strong webbing gives you reliability when you most need it. This sleek sturdy metal handle gives you durability when you most need it without the bulkiness of other ratchet handles. Floating D-ring with DJ hook combination allows the strap to loop back into itself to create a choker. A vital feature to secure the load when no anchor points are accessible or there is no convenient place to connect the ratchet hook. This D-ring with DJ hook combination makes this strap a good boat strap. With a 3000 lb. break strength and a 1000 lb. WLL (Working Load Limit).

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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