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Everest 1 x 10 300 lbs Working Load Limit Ratchet Tie-Down with S-Hooks 1 Pack

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Product Name
Everest 1 x 10 300 lbs Working Load Limit Ratchet Tie-Down with S-Hooks 1 Pack
Product Description

Keep items secure with this 1 x 10 Ratchet Tie-Down. This tie down strap can be used when you are moving appliances or other large items. It works to keep cargo secure whether you are transporting it in the back of a pick-up truck or on a trailer. The Everest Ratchet tie-down has a 300 lbs. Working Load Limit S-hooks 10 of extra-strong webbing and has a 900-pound break strength. This tie-down can also be used to secure a kayak small boat or bicycles to a trailer when you are transporting it to and from destinations. The S-hook design securely attaches to the appliance and to the truck or trailer so that no slippage will occur. S-Hooks come with a vinyl coating to prevent marring/paint transfer on your vehicle and as well also prevents rusting.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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