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Exact Replacement Parts DA29-00003G FILTER WATER for Samsung
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Estimated % Reduction: Chlorine Taste & Odor 95% Cysts 99%. Lead Turbidity Asbestos Atrazine Alachlor Lindane 2 4-D Mercury Toxaphene P-Dichlorobenzene and Benzene 95%. SGF-DSB30. Replaces Samsung. Cross Reference Info: DA29-00003A DA29-00003B DA29-00003G EFF-6011 ERDA29-00003G HAFCU1 SGF-DSB30 W10132126 WF289 Warning: For a variety of reasons multiple part numbers are used to represent the same or a very similar part that is considered a valid substitution. If the part number that appears above is different from the one you entered we have made a valid substitution. It just means we stock it under a different number.
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