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Merske Mini Motorcycle Battery Powered Riding Toy

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Product Name
Merske Mini Motorcycle Battery Powered Riding Toy
Product Description

The Mini Ride On Motorbike - Red makes a great introduction to motorsports for your little daredevil. The eco-friendly motorbike is made from plastic in a bright red color with colorful decals and a fun musical sound button. The battery-operated 6-volt motorcycle rides in both forward and reverse up to 1.24 mph. The battery and charger are both included. Weight capacity: 33 pounds. Recommended for children 2-5 years old. Dimensions: 25.5L x 14.17W x 21.7H inches. Merske A leading manufacturer of globe bars Merske LLC was established in 2004 when the company began selling its home furnishing products through online stores. Based in Chino Calif. Merske now provides its merchandise to a variety of sellers around the world. The company works with all types of businesses including distributors brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers

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Last updated
September 27, 2024

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