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The Complete Modern Blacksmith (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Complete Modern Blacksmith (Paperback)
Product Description

Teach yourself the lost arts of blacksmithing tool design and tool repair. Design forge and fix your own tools hardware and household accessories with master craftsman and teacher Alexander G. Weygers. The Complete Modern Blacksmith contains clear step-by-step instructions and hundreds of the author s own detailed drawings bringing scores of time-honored techniques to modern artisans - experienced craftsmen and beginners alike. This unique resource brings together three popular but long-out-of-print classics: - The Modern Blacksmith which covers everything from developing the correct hammer and body motions for forging and creating tools such as pliers shovels and hinges. - The Recycling Use and Repair of Tools which stresses the reuse of old materials featuring easy-to-follow processes. - The Making of Tools which explores how to design sharpen and temper whichever tool you need using only basic shop equipment and scrap steel. A truly invaluable resource The Complete Modern Blacksmith is an essential volume in any craftman s library.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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