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Treating Difficult Couples : Helping Clients with Coexisting Mental and Relationship Disorders (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Treating Difficult Couples : Helping Clients with Coexisting Mental and Relationship Disorders (Hardcover)
Product Description

This essential handbook describes effective treatments for a particularly challenging clinical population: couples struggling with both relationship distress and individual mental health difficulties. Distinguished scientist-practitioners provide detailed accounts of their respective approaches reviewing conceptual and empirical foundations as well as clinical procedures. Included are well-established treatments for couples in which one or both partners has anxiety mood disorders schizophrenia substance abuse sexual dysfunction or physical aggression. Also covered are emerging couple-based approaches to managing personality disorders PTSD difficulties related to aging and physical illness and other problems. Following a standard format to facilitate comparison across treatments each chapter is illustrated with detailed case material. Provided are powerful insights and tools for couple and family therapists clinicians providing individual therapy and students in any mental health discipline.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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