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Bed Wedge Support Pillow

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Product Name
Bed Wedge Support Pillow
Product Description

Our two-piece multi functional Wedge Pillow elevates and supports the upper torso allowing for better breathing and digestion while you sleep. It is a fabulous drug free way to relieve nighttime symptoms of heartburn acid reflux disease or GERD and hiatal hernias. It helps to decrease sinus congestion while you sleep reducing snoring and sleep issues symptoms. This bed wedge pillow is a wonderful reading pillow and it is great for watching TV doing homework or resting comfortably. s Wedge Pillow elevates you to a 45-degree angle that helps reduce swelling and creates the perfect way to sit comfortably in bed especially if you have to be in an upright position due to a medical procedure or condition. The multifunctional Wedge Pillow eliminates the need to pile multiple pillows on top of each other to reach the desired effect of being propped up at the right angle. Both pillows are covered in zippered easily removable pillowcases providing a healthier more comfortable night s sleep. Therapeutic Bed Wedge Pillow for Acid Reflux GERD Heartburn Hiatal Hernia. Multi Functional Reading Pillow and Lounge pillow with total upper body support. Improves breathing decreases sinus congestion snoring and sleep issues symptoms. Elevates your Body and Aides in Surgery Recovery. Comfortable and Easy to Maintain Removable Washable Covers. Made with the highest quality memory foam.- SKU: ZX9LGHP052

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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