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Daily Paragraph Editing Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 7 Teacher Edition (Paperback)

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Daily Paragraph Editing Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 7 Teacher Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

This seventh grade teacher s resource includes 36 weeks of targeted lessons that will immediately become your favorite supplement to your language arts curriculum. The 176 focused language arts activities provide the practice students need to produce error-free writing assignments and include easy-to-use teacher support to deliver the lessons. Lessons include 36 weeks of daily practice that cover these skills and concepts: Capitalization: Quotations salutations titles of books magazines movies and songs incorrect use of capitals and more Language Usage: Singular and plural forms verb tenses correct use of pronouns and adjectival and adverbial forms Punctuation: Appostrophes commas periods colons semi-colons and more. Spelling: identifying errors in spelling and in multiple-meaning words Additional resources include: scope and sequence chart annotated answer key assessment rubric reproducible language handbook page of reproducible proofreading marks editing checklist for students How it Works: Students apply grade 7 language skills to correct a paragraph on Monday through Thursday; when read together the four paragraphs form a cohesive composition. A writing prompt on Friday relates to the week s four-paragraph composition and provides an opportunity for students to apply the targeted language conventions they practiced.The weekly passages cover a broad range of expository and narrative writing forms including: nonfiction texts on grade-level social studies and science topics biographies book reviews instructions interviews journal entries and letters fables fantasy and science fiction historical fiction personal narratives and realistic fiction About Evan-Moor A leader in PreK-8 educational publishing Evan-Moor has been a trusted partner of teachers and parents for over 40 years. Our mission is helping children learn and we do this by creating resources that motivate children to learn important skills and concepts across the curriculum while also inspiring a love of learning.

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December 13, 2024

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