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Pre-Owned TI-89 Graphing Calculator For Dummies (Paperback) 0764589121 9780764589126

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Product Name
Pre-Owned TI-89 Graphing Calculator For Dummies (Paperback) 0764589121 9780764589126
Product Description

Do you own a TI-89 TI-89 Titanium TI-92 Plus or a Voyage 200 graphing calculator? If you do or if you need to get one for school or your job then you need to know how it works and how to make the most of its functions. TI-89 For Dummies is the plain-English nuts-and-bolts guide that gets you up and running on all the things your TI-89 can do quickly and easily. This hands-on reference guides you step by step through various tasks and even shows you how to add applications to your calculator. Soon you ll have the tools you need to: Solve equations and systems of equations Factor polynomials Evaluate derivatives and integrals Graph functions parametric equations polar equations and sequences Create Stat Plots and analyze statistical data Multiply matrices Solve differential equations and systems of differential equations Transfer files between two or more calculators Save calculator files on your computer Packed with exciting and valuable applications that you can download from the Internet and install through your computer as well as common errors and messages with explanations and solutions TI-89 For Dummies is the one-stop reference for all your graphing calculator questions

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November 9, 2024

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