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Earth Repair: A Grassroots Guide to Healing Toxic and Damaged Landscapes (Paperback)

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Product Name
Earth Repair: A Grassroots Guide to Healing Toxic and Damaged Landscapes (Paperback)
Product Description

A practical guide to bioremediation: natural techniques that are proven to heal land damaged by pollution. In the United States and Canada alone millions of acres have been contaminated by pesticides chemicals dirty energy projects toxic waste and other pollutants. Conventional clean-up techniques are expensive and resource-intensive and can cause further damage. Communities find themselves increasingly unable to rely on the same companies and governments that created the problems to step in and provide solutions. Packed with valuable information from visionaries in the field of bioremediation Earth Repair empowers individuals to heal contaminated and damaged land. It encompasses everything from remediating and regenerating abandoned city lots for urban farmers and gardeners to recovering from environmental disasters and industrial catastrophes such as oil spills and nuclear fallout. This fertile toolbox covers various remediation methods including: Microbial remediation: using microorganisms to break down and bind contaminants Phytoremediation: using plants to extract bind and transform toxins Mycoremediation: using fungi to clean up contaminated soil and water

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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