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Christianity for Modern Pagans : Pascal s Pensees (Paperback)

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Christianity for Modern Pagans : Pascal s Pensees (Paperback)
Product Description

Peter Kreeft believes that Blaise Pascal is the first post-medieval apologist. No writer in history claims Kreeft is a more effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today s uprooted confused secularized pagans (inside and outside the Church) than Pascal. He was a brilliant man---a great scientist who did major work in physics and mathematics as well as an inventor---whom Kreeft thinks was three centuries ahead of his time. His apologetics found in his Pensees are ideal for the modern sophisticated skeptic. Kreeft has selected the parts of Pascal s Pensees that are generally considered great and interesting and most respond to the needs of today and offers his own comments and insights on applying Pascal s wisdom to today s questions and problems. Kreeft who has used Pascal s writings in his college courses for years attempts to bring the reader into his college classroom where he and his students read interpret and discuss.

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March 4, 2025

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