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Filters Fast PH21600 Refrigerator Water Filter for Frigidaire RC-900

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Product Name
Filters Fast PH21600 Refrigerator Water Filter for Frigidaire RC-900
Product Description

Filters Fast PH21600 Refrigerator Water Filter for Frigidaire RC-900. Are you tired of dealing with impurities in your drinking water and ice? The Filters Fast PH21600 is here to transform your water experience providing you and your family with the purest cleanest water right from your fridge. Say goodbye to those chlorine aftertastes and cloudy ice cubes – it s time to upgrade to a higher level of hydration! The PH21600 compatible Frigidaire Water Filter is engineered to seamlessly fit into all PureSource-equipped refrigerators manufactured after April 2001. At the heart of this exceptional fridge water filter is its activated carbon media. This material is a powerhouse when it comes to capturing and absorbing sediments that can compromise the quality of your water and ice. The refrigerator filter effectively tackles turbidity chlorine and sediment. We recommend replacing your Filters Fast PH21600 every 6 months. The PH21600 fridge filter boasts NSF Standard 42 certification.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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