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Shock Wave Science and Technology Refere Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves Book 8 (Hardcover)

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Shock Wave Science and Technology Refere Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves Book 8 (Hardcover)
Product Description

This volume of the Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library is concerned with the interplay between bubble dynamics and shock waves. It is divided into four parts containing twelve chapters written by eminent scientists. Topics discussed include shock wave emission by laser generated bubbles (W Lauterborn A Vogel) pulsating bubbles near boundaries (DM Leppinen QX Wang JR Blake) interaction of shock waves with bubble clouds (CD Ohl SW Ohl) shock propagation in polydispersed bubbly liquids by model equations (K Ando T Colonius CE Brennen. T Yano T Kanagawa M Watanabe S Fujikawa) and by DNS (G Tryggvason S Dabiri) shocks in cavitating flows (NA Adams SJ Schmidt CF Delale GH Schnerr S Pasinlioglu) together with applications involving encapsulated bubble dynamics in imaging (AA Doinikov A Novell JM Escoffre A Bouakaz) shock wave lithotripsy (P Zhong) sterilization of ships ballast water (A Abe H Mimura) and bubbly flow model of volcano eruptions ((VK Kedrinskii K Takayama). The book offers a timely reference for graduate students as well as professional scientists and engineers interested in the interaction of shock waves with bubbles and their propagation properties in bubbly liquids with applications in medical and earth sciences.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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