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Purina Animal Nutrition Flock Raiser Crumbles 50lb

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Product Name
Purina Animal Nutrition Flock Raiser Crumbles 50lb
Product Description

Prebiotics and Probiotics - Premium poultry feed supports immune and digestive health Complete and Balanced - Purina poultry feed provides wholesome nutrition for an entire mixed flock of poultry all with the same bag of feed Essential Amino Acids - Excellent muscle and skeletal development 20% protein - Increased protein supports quick growth feather regrowth and flock maintenance Niacin - Guaranteed niacin levels required for ducklings Sustains an entire mixed flock of poultry including starting and growing hens roosters ducks and geese Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles is also for turkeys pheasants and quail 8 weeks of age and older Rich in antioxidants and optimized levels of Vitamin E. Store in a dry well-ventilated area free from rodents and insects; never use moldy or insect-infested feed Includes 50 lb. package of complete poultry feed

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Last updated
February 6, 2025

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