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A+ Childsupply F8912 Multi-info-Board

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Product info

Product Name
A+ Childsupply F8912 Multi-info-Board
Product Description

Office & School Supple Ltd. Co. was created by a group of professionals with more than 20 years of experience in owning and operating early childhood programs. The company is very knowledgeable about office need and preschool furniture as well as children s learning materials. Our furniture design terms are developing a series of preschool furniture with a concept of safety durability and beauty. For other terms that is including office supplies and school supplies department will update ours new merchandises and customer services. Since we are worldwide company we keep our quality an guarantee the lowest price. Our multi-info-board features doors that have cork board surfaces for posting notes and that open for storage of supplies. Made of strong and durable plywood. Dimensions: 32 x 5 x 24 - SKU: ACSUP087

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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