Product info
Divine Rivals is a gripping novel that takes readers on an extraordinary journey through love and conflict. The story follows two young rival journalists, Iris Winnow and Roman Kitt, who find themselves entwined in a magical connection amidst the chaos of a divine war. Iris, just eighteen, struggles to keep her family intact while her mother battles addiction and her brother is missing on the front lines. Eager to improve her life, Iris aims for a columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette. To ease her worries, she writes heartfelt letters to her brother and slips them under her wardrobe door, where they mysteriously vanish into the hands of Roman, known for his cold demeanor yet undeniable charm.
As Roman responds anonymously to Iris's letters, a bond begins to grow between them, leading Iris on an unexpected path to the battlefield where she must confront not only the challenges of war but also the strength of her feelings for Roman. The story blends elements of fantasy and romance, echoing themes from titles like Shadow and Bone and Lore, while highlighting the struggles of hope and heartache. Divine Rivals captivates with a tale of rivalry turned to love, testing the limits of courage and the enduring nature of connection in the face of adversity.
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