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Hellsing - Hellsing Series (DVD Crunchyroll)

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Product Name
Hellsing - Hellsing Series (DVD Crunchyroll)
Product Description

Watch the tale of an unlikely hero and his plight in this Hellsing - Hellsing Series (DVD set). Witness the blood-soaked roots of a legend in the original action-horror series that launched the careers of some of the genre s brightest stars. In these Hellsing DVDs the rogue vampire Alucard is the Hellsing Organization s deadliest instrument in its mission to protect the British Empire from undead ghouls and evil freaks. He is not alone in his assault on the occult; the master has a servant. Policewoman Seras Victoria accepted his gift of dark salvation after falling in the line of duty and now the remnants of her human soul struggle against her growing urges. Together they haunt the shadows as a sinister force of good and tonight the foggy streets of England shall flow with the blood of their evil prey. This Hellsing anime has a total run time of 300 minutes.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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