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Rescue FTA-DB18 Rescue! Reusable Fly Trap Attractant Powder Refill

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Product Name
Rescue FTA-DB18 Rescue! Reusable Fly Trap Attractant Powder Refill
Product Description

The RESCUE! FTA Non-Toxic Reusable Fly Trap Attractant Refill works with the FTR Non-Toxic Reusable Fly Trap to catch hundreds of species of common nuisance or filth flies. The trap is baited for the most prevalent species including house flies false stable flies blow flies blue and green bottle flies flesh flies face flies and many others. When the jar is filled with warm water and the trap is placed outside the attractant dissolves and activates quickly. For outdoor use only. RESCUE! s goal is to design manufacture and market the safest most effective pest control solutions available. Our products are the result of exhaustive and ongoing research and development decades of experience and a commitment to solutions that respect the environment without sacri?cing results. Established in 1982 RESCUE! pest control products have never used poisons or toxicants to kill pest insects.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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