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UVIEW 550500HD Airlift II HD Cooling System Airlock Purge Tool

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Product Name
UVIEW 550500HD Airlift II HD Cooling System Airlock Purge Tool
Product Description

Airlift II: HD - (Approved by International Truck) Built to remove airlocks in the HD cooling system. It eliminates the time consuming process of refilling and bleeding cooling systems by creating a vacuum that refills the entire system in seconds including the heater core EGR coolers intercoolers and aftercoolers . Equipped with a 90 degree angled gauge to accommodate tight fit applications it also checks for leaks while under vacuum . Features include a cone adapter that fits most systems and an extra-long hose for hard to reach areas . OEM Approved by International Truck 550500HD No -

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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