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Politics of Origin in Africa : Autochthony Citizenship and Conflict (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Politics of Origin in Africa : Autochthony Citizenship and Conflict (Hardcover)
Product Description

In this revealing new book Bøås and Dunn explore the phenomenon of autochthony - literally son of the soil - in African politics. In contemporary Africa questions concerning origin are currently among the most crucial and contested issues in political life directly relating to the politics of place belonging identity and contested citizenship. Thus land claims and autochthony disputes are the hallmark of political crises in many places on the African continent. Examining the often complex reasons behind this recent rise of autochthony across a number of high-profile case studies - including the Democratic Republic of Congo Côte d Ivoire Liberia and Kenya - this is an essential book for anyone wishing to understand the impact of this crucial issue on contemporary African politics and conflicts.

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March 5, 2025

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