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Pets Pick 36L White Uber Pet Bedding Hamster Rabbit Rat

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Product Name
Pets Pick 36L White Uber Pet Bedding Hamster Rabbit Rat
Product Description

Pets Pick Uber Pet Bedding provides the best solution for small pets like hamsters, rabbits, and rats. This lightweight bedding is made from virgin, food-grade paper fibers, ensuring it is safe and comfortable for your furry friends. Its super-absorbent quality can soak up moisture six times its weight, keeping your pet's space dry and clean. Independent tests confirm that this bedding is 99.9% dust-free, which helps maintain a tidy environment and protects your pet’s health.

Uber Pet Bedding not only absorbs moisture but also controls odor for up to 14 days, surpassing other types of bedding available. Although it offers excellent odor control, it's still vital to change your pet's bedding at least once a week. While you may not notice any unpleasant smells, your small pet can be more sensitive to changes in their environment. Choose Pets Pick Uber Pet Bedding for a clean and fresh-smelling home for you and your beloved pets.

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Last updated
March 13, 2025

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