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Wall Street Money Machine : New and Incredible Strategies for Cash Flow and Wealth Enhancement (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Wall Street Money Machine : New and Incredible Strategies for Cash Flow and Wealth Enhancement (Hardcover)
Product Description

Everyone needs more cash flow but few know how to get it. Cook teaches readers how to quit trading their time for money and begin enjoying their time as their money earns a monthly income. The stock market is one the best roll in history with over 40 000 Americans making investments and this book takes the mystery out of the stock market and shows people how to make 300% returns per year. Wade Cook is a rags to riches story just waiting to be told. He started as a cab driver then real estate investor author educator and now renowned stock market cash flow strategist. His is not only a powerful story but one which once you read it you can copy. Yes you absolutely can do the things he writes about and get the same results. Wade gives you the actual strategies and real life examples that bring his formulas to life. No other book gives you the details methods techniques and formulas like The Wall Street Money Machine. And then if that s not enough Mr. Cook adds serious tax reduction wealth enhancement and asset protection systems involving Nevada Corporations and a host of corporate maneuvers; Living Trusts for probate avoidance and stepped up basis bequethment techniques; Charitable Remainder Trusts for immediate and dramatic tax deductions; Pension Plans for tax-free growth and a great retirement; Family Limited Partnerships for asset allocation and dropping out of the social security system; and a multitude of other methods to preserve and protect what you ve made. You ll learn how to make more and retire happy.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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