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Car Seat Travel Cart

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Product Name
Car Seat Travel Cart
Product Description

The Britax Car Seat Travel Cart is a convenient alternative when traveling through airports with your car seat and child in tow. Car seats attach effortlessly using the car seat latch connectors the same connectors that secure your car seat tightly to your vehicle. When storing the Britax Car Seat Travel Cart its compact fold allows it to fit into small spaces including most airplane overhead compartments. With its durable steel frame design and easy-glide wheels the Britax Car Seat Travel Cart can be used with children harnessed in car seats for short travel distances. The raised platform protects the car seat from contacting the ground while the one-hand telescoping handle adjusts to fit any height caregiver. The Britax Car Seat Travel Cart accommodates all Britax Convertibles and Harnessed Booster seats and most other brands. No assembly required.

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Last updated
February 18, 2025

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