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Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy An Introduction to Metaphilosophy (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy An Introduction to Metaphilosophy (Hardcover)
Product Description

What is philosophy? How should we do it? Why should we bother to? These are the kinds of questions addressed by metaphilosophy - the philosophical study of the nature of philosophy itself. Students of philosophy today are faced with a confusing and daunting array of philosophical methods approaches and styles and also deep divisions such as the notorious rift between analytic and Continental philosophy. This book takes readers through a full range of approaches - analytic versus Continental scientistic versus humanistic pure versus applied - enabling them to locate and understand these different ways of doing philosophy. Clearly and accessibly written it will stimulate reflection on philosophical practice and will be invaluable for students of philosophy and other philosophically inclined readers.

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March 4, 2025

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